Home Orchard Education Center Blog
Fruit Tree Pruning Basics
Proper pruning is key to maintaining tree health and boosting fruit production. Acquaint yourself with the art of fruit tree pruning with this beginner-friendly guide.
Honey Bee Colony Divide & Swarm Prevention!
Learn how the HOEC volunteer honeybee keepers divided a colony and monitored the health of hives
Great Grapes for the Willamette Valley
Growing table grapes in Western Oregon or Washington? We think these are some of the best choices for pest and disease resistance (and they're delicious too!)
Making Connections To Native Fruits
Read on for a brief roundup of some of our favorite indigenous fruiting plants from the HOEC Community Orchard’s collection!
Fruit Tree Site Selection, Planting, & Aftercare
A guide to getting your tree into the ground.
So you bought a fruit tree and managed to get it home unharmed. Congratulations on your new arrival! Now what?
Caneberries, Bat-ology, & Druplets!
Enhance your dating profile, become confused about what a banana is, and leave with some mouth watering recipes!
Appreciating Goumi Berry
What’s that, you say? A Gummy Bear-y?! Not quite. We’re talking about the next best thing– this shrubby perennial from our edible landscaping section here at HOEC!
WINTER: Orchard Care Task-List
Lace up your waterproof boots, and dig out your warmest gloves, because we’re climbing right in and won’t be stopping until bud break!
Cozy Up With Our Organic Orcharding Book List!
Suggestions from real people in your local orcharding community? Yes please! Nothing for sale here, no affiliate links to effect these recommendations, just good old fashioned sharing of favorites.
Learn To Make Aronia Wojapi!
An easy to grow native berry, Aronia has been used by Indigenous Peoples for many centuries as an important superfood and potent medicine.
Help A Fella Out? Literally!
Mason Bees! Time to harvest, sort, sanitize, disinfect, store, & release! But why mess with nature?
Pawpaw Perfection
Save seed & grow your own! Tastes like a delicious banana persimmon custard with spring blossoms that sometimes smell like rotting meat? Don’t be afraid!
The Quince Is Coming! The Quince Is Coming!
Slow-food magic, fruity medieval lore, & a compilation of creative quince recipes you won't want to miss!
All About Elderberry
Spirits, Mischief, Medicine, & Recipes! Growing, using, pruning, & cooking- wahoo!
Overexposed! When Your Fruit Develops A Sunburn.
What to do with sun damaged fruit still hanging on the tree? Should you remove it or just leave it alone? Is the fruit salvageable or is it all destined for the compost pile?
Free Fillable Printable: Apple Tasting Notes
Going on an apple exploring adventure? Trying to decide what apple varieties to grow yourself?
Don’t lose track of your favorites!
Troubleshooting Stone Fruits In The Pacific Northwest
In this post we focus on problems you are most likely to encounter in this region along with some basic remedies and preventative measures.
Goumis, Shrubs, & Kitchen Wizardry
Learn about one of our favorite, lesser known berries and snag a few new creative beverage and vinegar recipes!
Horror, Shock, & Premature Fruit Drop: A Guide To Thinning Fruitlets
So many blooms, so many fruitlets! Learn how and why hand thinning of fruitlets will help your harvest! Come along - it’s easy we promise!
An Apple Lover’s Guide To Storing Your Harvest
Get the most out of your apple harvest! Proper produce storage is easy to learn as long as you keep these three things in mind….